There are some important changes in the MGRX 1.1 API over MGRX 1.0 that require changing the source code. These are: 1- To acomodate the new extended internationalization support the GR_ATTR_TEXT chrtype was deleted, so if your program depends on it you can't update to MGRX 1.1, sorry. 2- The GrTextRegion and functions were deleted too, because its use is very connected to the GR_ATTR_TEXT chrtype. 3- Now GrTextOption.fgcv and GrTextOption.bgcv are GrColor values, not unions, so you must change constructions like "grt->fgcv.v = color" by "grt->fgcv = color". The same for bgcv. 4- Replaced GrGetKbEncoding and GrSetKbEncoding functions with GrGetUserEncoding and GrSetUserEncoding, these functions exists even if not input driver is ebabled (like with the memory driver). User enconding default to GRENC_UTF_8 in linux and X11, GRENC_PC437 in DJGPP and GRENC_PC1252 in WIn32, but the programmer can set it like he wants. Now key events are recoded to the user encoding. 5- Deleted the GrProportionalTextWidth function because GrFontStringWidth works for both proportional and fixed fonts. 6- Replaced the GrDefaultFont define by two functions GrGetDefaultFont and GrSetDefaultFont, now you can set the default font that you want (set to built-in GrFont_PC8x14 by default).